Die finnische Psychedelic Folk und Rock band um Frontmann Mat McNerney aka. Kvohst, veröffentlicht ihre neue Single „Ring“ zum kommendem Album Polar Veil, welches am 22.09. über Svart Records erscheint. Mit einer ordentlichen Portion Lo-Fi, der an atmosphärischen und beklemmenden Black Metal erinnert, geht McNerney zurück in eine Zeit in der er in Norwegen in Stilähnlichen Bands wie Dødheimsgard und Code spielte. "With this song Ring, a few influential albums come to mind, like the evil riffs of Cathedral’s “Forest of Equilibrium”, The splendour and rage of Darkthrone’s “A Blaze In The Northern Sky”, the oppressive gloom and beauty of Chelsea Wolfe’s “Hiss Spun” and with the guest solo by Nameless Void from Negative Plane, their grandiose but necrotic “Stained Glass Revelations” record dropped like a black pearl into my abyss. Ring is about being lost and found in darkness. It is a nocturne. Darkness on a symbolic level. Threatening, unpredictable landscapes of life and death."